
Free flying at Devil’s Dyke
Ben and I took a day off on Monday as the winds were from the north blowing straight onto Devil’s Dyke down on the South Downs. My mouth was watering; as we got closer we could see about 3 gliders flying and when we arrived we got the gear out and prepared to launch. It was crisp and cold and I put my salopettes on with a warm pair of climbing gloves, a thick fleece and a goretex jacket. Ben launched before me and then I launched. The lift was scratchy to start with but then as the sun warmed the slopes a little a few thermals appeared which were fun to play in. I went all the way to the power lines but did not have quite enough height to spare to cross over them… next time!!! It was quite busy with about 30 pilots there. If only all Mondays could be like this…