
Cycling the ‘Dunwich Dynamo’ on a Penny Farthing
The ‘Dunwich Dynamo’ is an annual cycle ride that is always held under a full moon. It is not a race. It starts at 8pm at the Pub on the Park by London Fields in East London and finishes at the Ship in Dunwich in Suffolk by the sea. It is 112 miles and one […]

The Hebridean Way on a Penny Farthing
We started pedalling on 19th May, 2023 from Vatersay – the start of the Hebridean Way. My two friends were carrying all the gear on their bicycles. We wanted to remain free to camp where we ended up. Along the way we were invited in for the night, we were bought breakfast by hotels, strangers […]

Promotional Penny Farthing day for Mr Fogg’s & Hendrick’s Gin
On 13th April, we spent the afternoon riding around Mayfair and Covent Garden on Penny Farthings doing a promotional video for Mr Fogg’s and Hendricks Gin. The weather was on our side and a lot of fun was had. There were 10 of us altogether and my good friend Neil Laughton from the Penny Farthing […]

May 2023 – The Hebridean Way on a Penny Farthing
On 17th May, 2023, Tom will set off with his Penny Farthing to ride the length of the Outer Hebrides (the ‘Hebridean Way’). His two friends, Woody and Simon, will back him up on standard bicycles as they will be carrying all the camping gear and equipment. Their aim is to raise £10,000 for the […]

June 2021 – Unicycling the South Downs Way
In the Summer of 2021, Tom unicycled the entire length of the South Downs Way which is just over 100 miles. It took him three days. He was with his friend Neil Laughton, who joined him on his Penny Farthing. They raised £7,215.54 for Prostate Cancer UK. He used his 29 inch, Kris Holm, off-road […]

Paragliding in the Dolomites
On 17th May, Ben and I are driving to the Dolomites in Italy to fly our paragliders in the GIN Wide Open Competition. Neither of us have ever flown in a competition before but this is billed as a FUN comp so our aim is to enjoy it and learn as much as possible. We […]

Summer is here…
The Summer started off well with some glorious Easter sunshine. The field in front of our cottage was empty until they planted maize in it which sadly meant we could no longer use it as a take off field. We flew from other stubble fields and used a field near the coast near the village […]

Venezuelan Paramotor Adventure
In January, 2010, our friends / sponsors at Hewlett Packard sent us into the depths of Venezuela to test out their latest LTO tape drive. The marketing campaign has just been launched and you can see some of the things we got up to here in this short video. The quality is not great but […]

Flying the coast (Weymouth)
On Friday 25th June, I took off from Pulborough, from my friend Seymore’s farm, at 9am. I had chosen to fly the Bailey 175 for fuel economy and I thought that I might just make it to a field near Weymouth on 14ltrs (160kms away). There was a ‘Fly-in’ that had been organised by Ben […]

Flying in the Lost World
If you do not already subscribe to PARAMOTOR MAG then perhaps now is the time to. Issue 18 will include our story of flying in the Lost World and it comes out next week! Enjoy!