Category Archives: General

Flying the coast (Weymouth)
On Friday 25th June, I took off from Pulborough, from my friend Seymore’s farm, at 9am. I had chosen to fly the Bailey 175 for fuel economy and I thought that I might just make it to a field near Weymouth on 14ltrs (160kms away). There was a ‘Fly-in’ that had been organised by Ben […]

Venezuelan Gran Sabana
We are currently in the Gran Sabana in Venezuela. A wilderness of savanah flatlands and magical Tepuis rising high out of dense jungle. Michel Carnet, Ben and I are flying paramotors and it is wild – like something out of a glossy magasine! Yesterday, we flew 30km over dense jungle and past a small tepui […]
Scottish inspirations…
I came across this video on the web and have to share it with you… What can I say… inspirational stuff… Well done Paolo Bellezze and friends… Love it! Latin Highlands from Paolo Bellezze on Vimeo.

Summer flying
What a lovely weekend – easterly winds 18kph plus… we were staying at Mum’s and Ben came down on Sunday. I had ‘snuck’ the glider into the car in the hope of getting a little flying in before our number 2 baby is born (due 3rd June!!). On Sunday morning we managed a little flying […]
The good news is that I collected my Bailey 175cc paramotor on Monday. It is fixed. One of the bearings had broken resulting in quite a bit of damage. This was what caused the vibrations at 1,500ft a few weeks back. Basically, the engine had to be rebuilt and the crankshaft was also replaced for […]

mini out and return
Tuesday, 17th March. Light easterlies and blue skies. It was perfect. I got to the site at Mercury at 11am. There were about 9 other paragliders and a couple of hangies there. The wind was about 10-12mph and several pilots were not launching but I felt it was all right. Lovely ridge soaring to begin […]

Winter Flying (9th January)
Ben and I drove down through the mist from London to Hampshire. I doubted that we would be able to fly at all – the forecast had promised sun but here we were in thick mist in the car! We passed the South Downs by Butser Hill and the skies cleared in front of us… […]
Happy New Year
The New Year kicked off well with high pressure drifting down from Scotland giving us a few days of cold, clear and crisp weather with some sunshine. I managed to fly on New Year’s Day and on the following day at Mercury in Hampshire, as the winds were from the East. What a wonderful way […]

150k from Portsmouth to Dorset
For some time, I have wanted to fly from my mother’s house in Denmead, near Portsmouth, to Cattistock in Dorset, where my parents-in-law live. I needed a light easterly air flow to take me there on my 4-stroke engine and it needed to be a weekend preferably. Last week, the forecast looked perfect and on […]
Himalayan bivi flying (Brad Sander)
The Way Back from Brad Sander on Vimeo. This style of flying rocks! Check out Brad Sander who flew from Hunza, bivouac-style to Mastuj. He was with John Silvester on his Ozone Addict 2, north ridge of Rakaposhi then with an eagle before landing at 4,100m in an amazing SE facing huge meadow. The next […]