
mini out and return
Tuesday, 17th March. Light easterlies and blue skies. It was perfect. I got to the site at Mercury at 11am. There were about 9 other paragliders and a couple of hangies there. The wind was about 10-12mph and several pilots were not launching but I felt it was all right.
Lovely ridge soaring to begin with – the aero modellers were also out on the far end of the ridge. The thermals started kicking in around 12.30pm and I caught one up to 2000ft above the ridge and decided to see if I could reach Whitewool (about 3kms away) where I could see about 4 paragliders soaring.
There was lift everywhere and I had plenty of height. There was not much room to go any further due to airspace restrictions from the solent airspace, so I headed back to Mercury on full bar. On my Gradient Aspen 2, I made it with plenty of height to spare. It was great. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing in the lift chasing the birds. It was a wonderful way to spend a Tuesday afternoon!
Bring on the summer…