
Summer flying
What a lovely weekend – easterly winds 18kph plus… we were staying at Mum’s and Ben came down on Sunday. I had ‘snuck’ the glider into the car in the hope of getting a little flying in before our number 2 baby is born (due 3rd June!!). On Sunday morning we managed a little flying at Mercury but the wind was quite strong and verging on the ‘not fun’ so we landed and went home to mow the lawn.
Later that evening, after supper, we went back up to the hill. The was no-one there except sheep and Ben and I had 30 minutes or so of soaring up and down the ridge before the sun went down. No model gliders getting in the way so it was possible to fly right down to the end of the ridge.
Good to get some airtime and all good for the soul!
(Thank you Ben for the photo)