Category Archives: Paramotoring

Summer is here…
The Summer started off well with some glorious Easter sunshine. The field in front of our cottage was empty until they planted maize in it which sadly meant we could no longer use it as a take off field. We flew from other stubble fields and used a field near the coast near the village […]

Venezuelan Paramotor Adventure
In January, 2010, our friends / sponsors at Hewlett Packard sent us into the depths of Venezuela to test out their latest LTO tape drive. The marketing campaign has just been launched and you can see some of the things we got up to here in this short video. The quality is not great but […]

Flying in the Lost World
If you do not already subscribe to PARAMOTOR MAG then perhaps now is the time to. Issue 18 will include our story of flying in the Lost World and it comes out next week! Enjoy!

HP Extreme Testing
I’m off with my brother Ben and world paramotor champion Michel Carnet to the Gran Sabana area of Venezuela. Humid rainforest meets wide open savannah along with huge flat-topped mountains called tepuis which were the inspiration behind Conan Doyle’s Lost World. We will spend three weeks out there and hope to have some spectacular flying […]
Avebury Stone Rings
There has been good high pressure for the last few days. We flew for an hour or so as the sun was setting on Monday 12th October and then on the following day we flew from Denmead in Hampshire all the way to the Stone Ring at Avebury and back which is about 200kms in […]

Coastal flying in September!
The forecast was good and on 24th September, Ben and I took off from our local field near Denmead in Hampshire. The skies were blue with puffy clouds. It was looking good. We gained height and flew over the outskirts of Portsmouth to Hayling Island, before dropping down low having jumped the gap to the […]

Flat batteries
Sunday 9th August was a beautiful day. I took the family down to Barry’s field just outside Guildford where there is a lovely field. There is lots for the children to look at, chickens, ducks, tractors, aeroplanes, model gliders, paramotors etc… We packed a picnic (and took the Paramotor down too!) I had not flown […]
Flying around London on a paramotor
The email came through from Michel…. “You fancy trying again, with just a small group of us…?” This was another opportunity to try to fly the circumference of London. This was to be without support and a true vol biv adventure over 2 days. The group was Michel Carnet, Laura Turner, myself and my brother […]