
Flat batteries
Sunday 9th August was a beautiful day. I took the family down to Barry’s field just outside Guildford where there is a lovely field. There is lots for the children to look at, chickens, ducks, tractors, aeroplanes, model gliders, paramotors etc…
We packed a picnic (and took the Paramotor down too!) I had not flown for a good 6 weeks so wanted to check whether I could still do it! The plan was to find a shady spot, set up camp for Diana, Sebastian and Daisy, and have a picnic. They then went for a lovely walk and I took off with a plan to fly to Petworth (about 30kms away) via Charter House School, Dunfold (a disused airfield where they film parts of Top Gear) and on to Petworth before flying back to Barry’s field. I took some photos of Charter House School but then realised when I was over Dunfold, that my camera was flat – I had forgotten to recharge the batteries. This was annoying and it was even more annoying when my GPS batteries ran out too! School boy error!
I was only about 5kms from Petworth (over a place called Kirdford) before I decided to turn back to be on the safe side. I had a map, but still, I felt lost without my GPS. I made a mental note to practice more without the use of a GPS in case my batteries run down again!
Back at the field, an hour and 15 minutes later, Diana was out walking with the buggy and I landed and watched this enormous scale radio controlled glider being towed up by a (model) tug! It was very impressive!
It was an acrobatic glider and I watched it fly upside down performing stall turns, 4 point rolls and doing fast fly by’s over the field. These gliders don’t come cheap – I believe that one would set you back about £4,000! The tugs are cheaper at around £1,500 – so I am told?
Another great day out. Sebastian loved pointing out the all the gliders… (one of his first words!) Glidor, glidor, glidor…!