
Hathersage Lecture (4-5-07)
When I was asked by Mary and Michael Bailey to come and speak at the Memorial Hall, in aid of the Hathersage Swimming Pool Fund, I accepted at once. I adore Hathersage and have been visiting for years, mainly to rock climb or boulder on the gritstone edges with friends over the years. It was a wonderful chance to give something back to the community by speaking about my recent adventures in the Himalayas. Mary and Michael run one of the finest B&B’s I have ever experienced and since my wife, Diana, and I have been coming here we have often stayed with them at Carr Head Farm where the views are magnificent and their hospitality is second to none. They have become great friends.
I took the day off on Friday and started off by speaking to the children at the local school at 2pm. Michael and I then went for a walk with the dogs (Barney, Percy and Boston) The evening lecture started at 7.30pm with a packed house. There were questions at the end; the best one came from a little boy in the front row when he asked, “why do you wear those spiky things on your feet?”
The evening was a roaring success and at the end I was honoured to be presented with ‘Life Membership’ to the Hathersage Swimming Pool! Thank you and thank you to all those involved including Mary & Michael Bailey, Kim & Boris Mathews and to all the other individuals and shops who helped and contributed with the raffle prizes from the village. A total of £1,200 was raised for the Swimming Pool Fund. A fantastic result!