
Tow launching – September 07
Ben and I took the day off on Tuesday 4th September as we had booked a tow conversion course up in Derbyshire at Airways Air Sports. We left London at 6am; the forecast was good and we had high hopes to complete the required 10 launches needed for our tow conversion ‘ticket’.
We met up with Shelley in the morning who took us through our 20 minute brief about the winch, the call signs (Take up slack, Stand-by and ALL OUT) and the various safety points to be aware of.
The wind had swung round to become westerly and there were a few novice pilots there also using the winch. Dave moved the winch but of course now we were only using half the field so we could not get the height we needed to continue our 5 remaining circuits. Andy said that we would need one more day and suggested coming back tomorrow. The forecast was again good but when we arrived the following day at 9am it was blowing hard and quite misty. We waited until midday, Andy had a go on the winch but it was sadly too windy for us to be constructive. We drove home and now look forward to the next available day to complete our tow conversion.