
Skiing to work in London!
Last night I was up at 4am… I looked out of the window and there was a deep blanket of snow outside with large flakes falling! I have not seen this much snow since I was about 10 years old when we really did have cold winters! Gosh, that makes me sound old!
So… I dusted off my mountaineering skis, found an old set of skins and skied to work! It was quite funny to see the reaction of people! I thought that I would get snow balls thrown at me and that people would think what an idiot, but not at all; everyone was in a jolly mood and most said “hello” or “what a good idea” or “can I take your photo?” etc. etc… Makes a change from London town in general!
The highlight was skiing down Balham High Street, when the Halal butchers gave me a big cheer! I was surprised, as I have to say, I did feel a bit of an idiot and a little self conscious, at first… by the end I was used to the funny looks I was getting and was longing for some steep powder! No such luck in down town Balham!
But it was fun for a Monday morning! Battersea to Balham on skis… (Mostly flat except for Balham hill, which is sadly, only a ‘green’ run!) Di, Sebastian and Uncle Ben came up onto the Common to take some photos…
Thank you Uncle Ben for the photos!