Charity Talks

Tom is often asked to speak at charitable events or evenings. He has been invited by a number of charities to speak at various functions. He always gets excellent feedback from such lectures and in doing so helps raise money by encouraging crowds to attend. If raffles or auctions are held afterwards then he can draw out the winning tickets or even hold the auction and present the prize to the highest bidder!

Some Recent Charity Testimonials

You were most generous with your time and your talk was riveting if not somewhat out of this world – awe inspiring.  Hats off to your Mum for coping so well at the time – she must be so relieved that both you and Ben have “calmed down” and not so bonkers.   In the words of Mark Twain – you have followed your dream and went out and did it.  A tremendous achievement and you are both to be congratulated. A big thank you for attracting a great audience with your talk, allowing us to raise some invaluable funding for Animals Asia.  A most entertaining evening.
Animals Asia
Tom’s visit to Harting Primary School filled the hall with school families and many visitors from the village and beyond.  The feedback afterwards was very enthusiastic and rightly so; Tom’s modestly disarming account of his ascent of Everest with his brother did more than anything I have seen or read to convey what is involved in conquering the highest peak in the world. An enthralling evening with some very memorable images, Tom’s visit also gave our school’s fundraising a fantastic boost raising over £1,000.  Having, in the past, booked school speakers for many years and sat through the consequences, I can confidently say that Tom stands out as one of the best I have seen and I thoroughly recommend him.  Thank you, Tom!
The Roundhouse Project at Harting Primary School
We were honoured to present Tom with ‘Life Membership’ to the Outdoor Swimming Pool! Thank you for a wonderfully informative and memorable evening. A total of £1,200 was raised for the Swimming Pool Fund. A fantastic result! Thank you so much!
Hathersage Swimming Pool Fund