Corporate Speaking

After his success with school talks, Tom has deservedly been asked to speak to companies such as Hewlett Packard and Exxon Mobil. He speaks with passion and enthusiasm and speaks about self- belief, risk, resilience, teamwork, ambition and decision making under pressure whilst telling his story and relating it to the business world. He is a clear and excellent speaker illustrating his talks with slides and video footage. His talks can be tailored to your event

Some Recent Corporate Testimonials

Tom has a wonderful story to tell and does so in a brilliantly straightforward entertaining style which kept our audience rapt for the duration. He makes the extraordinary seem within reach for the most ordinary of us and left this listener wondering why I had not attempted similar feats. Tom is inspiring and I would thoroughly recommend him.
Dominic Evans Freke - de Gournay - Director
Tom delivered an inspiring talk to a group of our senior managers. He talked with passion about his 2006 ascent on Everest accompanied by some amazing slides and film. Skills required to survive on unforgiving mountains such as decision making, risk taking, teamwork, positivity, optimism and respect translate well into the corporate world. We were looking for a motivational speaker to fill a one hour slot in the middle of an intense day and this worked perfectly.
JB Corrie and Co Ltd - John Corrie - Chairman
It is always hard to appeal across the demographics of the club, but you nailed it and have a new fan club of ladies of a certain age!  You could hear a pin drop whilst you were speaking, an audience captivated by your quest – a heroic journey to conquer Everest. Such a gripping, motivational account of challenging life in the mountains – expertly relayed with raw emotion and modesty – a story not easily forgotten.   A real treat, thank you!
The Hampshire Farmers' Club (AGM) - Sarah Cowlrick - March 2020